ETH News for Industry

News for Industry

Here you get the latest news and videos about ETH projects relevant to industry (newsletter, external pageLinkedIn). Contact: Industry Relations

Electrifying industry with flexible heat pumps

Researchers from ETH Zurich and the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences have developed a novel solution for heat pumps. Using this new approach, companies can generate carbon-free process heat at temperatures of up to 200 degrees Celsius while also drastically reducing the number of different heat pumps required.

by Christoph Elhardt

Repairable buildings for a sustainable future

  • Sustainability
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Emissions from the construction industry can only be reduced if there is a shift in mindset from replacing to repairing. However, many buildings are not designed to be repaired. Together with industry partners such as Basler & Hofmann, ETH has developed a new further education programme that provides the tools for sustainable building construction.

by Tünde Kirstein

Smart spine implant

ETH Industry Day: Hands-on research and innovation


Home-based Alzheimer’s therapy

  • Industry Projects
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Trouble-free solar power production

  • Industry Projects
  • Sustainability
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Digital twins for the machine industry

  • Innosuisse project
  • Industry Projects

A rainbow on your wrist

  • Industry Projects
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Human-robot teamwork

  • Industry Projects
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Revolutionising computer tomography with photon counting

  • Innosuisse project
  • Industry Projects
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